Together Kidskindergarten in Batumi

Created by loving parents with the support of experienced teachers.

We develop hard and soft skills in children!

Trial week. Just try it!

We are located in the center of the city near the 6th of May park.

Soft adaptation.
Parent can stay as long as they see fit.

Parent Chat Room. You get photos and videos directly from the class.


To teach your child to dream and dare

We are convinced that this is the most important thing.

Reading, writing and math are important foundations, «hard» skills are no doubt needed, no arguing with that.

But it’s also incredibly important to teach a child to dream, to respond to mistakes and failures, to support in moments of failure so that the child tries again and eventually succeeds.

Create a community of parents

Strive to create a community of adults who are consciously raising their children. With an understanding of the cause.

This does not mean that there is a right way to parent, but it does mean that the adult must understand the meaning and consequences of each step on the thorny path of parenting.

Schedule of the day

Feedback from caregivers. After the shift, the caregiver will share their observations with you and you can ask them any questions you may have.


Each educator has a higher pedagogical education and a great desire to work with children.

Half-day groups

1 shift

2 shift
09:00 — 09:1514:00 — 14:15Children come to the kindergarten
09:15 — 09:4014:15 — 14:40Children’s yoga
09:40 — 10:0014:40 — 15:00Round table. Children share what mood they are in. Recall what happened the previous days. They discuss what will happen today.
10:00 — 10:2015:00 — 15:20Classroom activity
10:20 — 10:4015:20 — 15:40Games in the play space
10:40 — 11:00
15:40 — 16:00Classroom activity
11:00 — 11:20
16:00 — 16:20Free time in the play space
11:20 — 11:30
16:20 — 16:30Preparing snack areas, washing hands
11:30 — 12:00
16:30 — 17:00Snack, clean up after themselves
12:00 — 12:20
17:00 — 17:20Resting, watching and discussing cartoon/educational video on the topic of the day
12:20 — 12:40
17:20 — 17:40Free time in the play space
12:40 — 13:10
17:40 — 18:10Classroom activity
13:10 — 13:25
18:10 — 18:25Round table — summarizing
13:25 — 13:45
18:25 — 18:45Playing games with the teacher and free time in the play space under the care of the teacher

Full day group

09:00 — 09:30Children come to the kindergarten
09:30 — 10:00Children’s yoga
10:00 — 10:30Classroom activity
10:30 — 11:30Walk
11:30 — 12:15Hot meal
12:15 — 13:45Quiet time / Quiet games
14:00 — 14:30Snack
14:30 — 15:00Classroom activity
15:00 — 15:15Free time in the play space
15:15 — 15:45Classroom activity
15:45 — 16:30Hot meal
16:30 — 17:30Walk / Calm games / Reading stories
17:30 — 18:00Classroom activity
18:00 — 18:15Snack
18:15 — 18:45Free time in the play space


The length of the class and the number of breaks depends on the age of the children. The older the group, the longer the sessions, as children have a higher ability to maintain focus.


Half-day subscription
09−13:45 / 14−18:45

510 ₾

Full day subscription

820 ₾

Weekend subscription
суббота и воскресенье 11−17:00

320 ₾

Trial day — 40 ₾

Trial week — 110 ₾half day

Trial week — 180 ₾
full day


for the second child in the family who attends our daycare center — 10%
for the third child in the family who attends our daycare center — 15%

Example: You have three children. The cost of daycare for the first is 510 ₾, for the second is 459 ₾ and for the third is 433 ₾.

Promotion: bring a friend — get a discount

20% discount on the next monthly pass for each friend you bring.






Shift at Together Kids

General preschool program according to the needs and psychological characteristics of the age group

Developmental classes in intellectual, creative and physical directions

A walk on the playground in the yard or in the park on May 6th

Hot meals and snacks (fruits, vegetables)

Quiet time for those who need it

Lots of play with caregivers and free play

Intellectual and developmental activities

  • Learning about the world
  • Speech development
  • Elementary arithmetic
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Georgian language
  • English language

Creative activities

  • Applique
  • Modeling
  • Drawing
  • Construction
  • Handicrafts
  • Development of musicality

Physical activities

Children’s yoga and general physical fitness in a play/dance form using lots of props.

We also teach the child the basics of personal hygiene. We strive to develop children’s independence, decision making and choice making skills, creativity and communication skills.

And most importantly, we play a lot! After all, play is the most important element of education.

Write us



Teacher, 2−3 years old group.

Work experience: 7 years.

Higher pedagogical education, preschool teacher.

The most important thing in communication with kids is acceptance, respect and ease.


Teacher, 3−4 years old group.

Work experience: 7 years.

Higher pedagogical education, pedagogical psychologist.

Every child is a personality, the task of a teacher is to help the personality to reveal itself.


Teacher, group of 5−6 years old.

Work experience: 20 years.

Higher pedagogical education, defectologist, speech therapist, preschool teacher.



Teacher, group of 5−6 years old.

Work experience: 4 years.

Higher pedagogical education, elementary school teacher.

First to become a friend to a child, and then to become an educator and teacher.


Doctor, administrator.

Experience as a doctor: 25 years.

Higher medical education.



Work experience: 5 years.




